Непонятная ошибка на серве 1.4.5.

В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.


9 Июн 2012
1) Редактировал elements.data (Северный) через этот редактор http://www.dyndev.ru/threads/Набор-инструментов.227/#post-3417
Но сервер ево не принемает.
я даже пробывал открыть ево и сохранить через этот редоктор и теже пироги
Ядро говорит:
substance name gplayer_imp, size 3896
substance name gplayer_dispatcher, size 116
Compiled By liuguichen, Mar 2 2012 11:12:19
ЕдЦГОДјю:'gs.conf' ЕдЦГФцІ№ОДјю:'gsalias.conf'

Некогда таково небыло у меня на 1 4 4 и на 1 3 6.
P/s Простите за мой Французский

2) Проверьте пожалста мой "stop.sh" - от серва он выключается с ошибками


  • dyndev.txt
    18,2 KB · Просмотры: 4
  • stop.rar
    356 байт · Просмотры: 3
  • server.rar
    225 байт · Просмотры: 1


23 Июн 2012
ТОГДА ВСЕ ЯСНО КОРЧОЕ ЭТОТ РЕДАКТОР НЕ ТАК СОХРАНЯЕТ ПРОВЕРЬ ПО РАЗМЕРАМ файл elements.data начальный и конечный,првоерь выбрали ли ты сохранит для сервера ии клиента


Команда форума
12 Май 2012
ТОГДА ВСЕ ЯСНО КОРЧОЕ ЭТОТ РЕДАКТОР НЕ ТАК СОХРАНЯЕТ ПРОВЕРЬ ПО РАЗМЕРАМ файл elements.data начальный и конечный,првоерь выбрали ли ты сохранит для сервера ии клиента
В 1.4.5 нет разницы между сервером и клиентом. Скачай редакторы с сайта автора.


30 Мар 2012

Automatically match the 2929 dismantling of the formula, and another 263 equipment did not match the formula
Error data of the pet, pet id: 10584
Error data of the pet, pet id: 32103
Error data of the pet, pet id: 32104
Error data of the pet, pet id: 32105
Rare items 12266 to be repeated by adding
Added a total of 473 rare items
Existence of a total of 1615 yuan items
LUA script version 102
Initialization gs01
The beginning of the world logic initialization ...
Aging items in items 24347
Aging items in items 24346
Aging items in items 24345
Aging items in items 24344
Aging items in items 24343
Aging items in items 24342
Aging items in items 24341
Aging items in items 27052
Aging items in items 26640
Items 34733 Limitation Items, the expiration time 1355947200
Obsessed with the three time parameters 2,4,5, addicted to restore as follows: 'rest time taken to reach'
Anti-addicted functional system to open
Anti-plug punishment is turned off
Using the standard version of the content
Using the standard version of the content
Sun Aug 5 20:34:33 2012
Starting world No.1
Double experience time start time of a week: Monday 01:00
Resource root directory: '/ home / gamed / con

Покажи свой gs.conf


9 Июн 2012
Покажи свой gs.conf
world_servers = gs01;arena01;arena02;arena03;arena04;is01;is02;is12;is13;is18;is19;is20;is21;is22;is32;is33;is34;is37;is40
instance_servers = is05;is06;is07;is08;is09;is10;is11;is14;is15;is16;is17;is23;is24;is25;is26;is27;is28;is29;bg01;bg02;bg03;bg04;bg05;bg06;is31;is35;is38;is39;is70;is71;
AntiWallow = true
expire_item = 24347,24346,24345,24344,24343,24342,24341,27052,26640,34733:2012-12-20
AntiCheat = false

exp = 0.5f
sp = 0.5f
item = 0.5f
money = 0.5f
task_exp = 0.5f
task_sp = 0.5f
task_money = 0.5f

exp = 0
sp = 0
item = 0
money = 0
task_exp = 0
task_sp = 0
task_money = 0

TimeLight = 2
TimeHeavy = 4
TimeClear = 5

clear_day = 0 1 1
first_rest_time = 7200
;ГїґОФцјУК±јдЛщРиТЄµДК±јдјдёф РЎК±
rest_period = 24
rest_time_unit = 7200
max_rest_time = 50400

Path = movemap
WaterPath = watermap
AirPath = airmap

Root = /home/gamed/config/
itemDataFile = elements.data
QuestPackage = tasks.data
QuestPackage2 = dyn_tasks.data
GlobalData = world_targets.sev
PolicyData = aipolicy.data
DropData = extra_drops.sev
RareItem = rare_item.conf
NPCGenFile = npcgen.data
RegionFile = precinct.sev
RegionFile2 = region.sev
PathFile = path.sev
RestartShell = restart2
MallData = gshopsev.data
LuaData = global_api.lua
CollisionFile = map.bht

type = tcp
address =
port = 12341
so_sndbuf = 65536
so_rcvbuf = 65536
tcp_nodelay = 0

type = unix
address = /tmp/foo
so_sndbuf = 65536
so_rcvbuf = 65536

index = 1
tag = 1
cid = 0,2,13
base_path = world/
limit = allow-root;anti-cheat;
grid = {800,800,25,-10000.0,-10000.0}
#base_region = {-4096.0,-5632.0} , {-35.0,5632.0}
#local_region = {-4096.0,-5632.0} , {-20.0,5632.0}
base_region = {-4096.0,-5632.0} , {4096.0,5632.0}
local_region = {-4096.0,-5632.0} , {4096.0,5632.0}

szMapPath = map
nAreaWidth = 512
nAreaHeight = 512
nNumAreas = 88
nNumCols = 8
nNumRows = 11
vGridSize = 2.0f
vHeightMin = 0.0f
vHeightMax = 800.0f

type = tcp
listen_addr = WORLD01:10901
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
tcp_nodelay = 0
listen_backlog = 10

type = unix
address = /tmp/gssock_world1
listen_addr = /tmp/gssock_world1
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
listen_backlog = 10

index = 2
tag = 1
cid = 0,2,13
base_path = world/
#limit = allow-root;
grid = {800,800,25,-10000.0,-10000.0}
base_region = {-35.0,-5632.0} , {4096.0,5632.0}
local_region = {-50.0,-5632.0} , {4096.0,5632.0}

szMapPath = map
nAreaWidth = 512
nAreaHeight = 512
nNumAreas = 88
nNumCols = 8
nNumRows = 11
vGridSize = 2.0f
vHeightMin = 0.0f
vHeightMax = 800.0f

type = tcp
listen_addr = WORLD02:10902
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
tcp_nodelay = 0
listen_backlog = 10

type = unix
address = /tmp/gssock_world2
listen_addr = /tmp/gssock_world2
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
listen_backlog = 10

index = 21
tag = 201
cid = 14,2,13
limit = nothrow;clear-ap;use-save-point;allow-root;commondata;
base_path = b01/
#grid = {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
grid = {800,800,25,-10000.0,-10000.0}
base_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
player_capacity = 400
npc_count = 1000
matter_count = 1000
save_point = 1,476.661,266.002,3294.183

szMapPath = map
nAreaWidth = 512
nAreaHeight = 512
nNumAreas = 1
nNumCols = 1
nNumRows = 1
vGridSize = 2.0f
vHeightMin = 0.0f
vHeightMax = 800.0f

type = tcp
listen_addr = ARENA01:10941
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
tcp_nodelay = 1
listen_backlog = 10

type = unix
listen_addr = /tmp/gssock_arena01
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
listen_backlog = 10

index = 22
tag = 202
cid = 14,2,13
limit = nothrow;clear-ap;use-save-point;allow-root;
base_path = b02/
#grid = {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
grid = {800,800,25,-10000.0,-10000.0}
base_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
player_capacity = 400
npc_count = 1000
matter_count = 1000
save_point = 1,-1517.775,254.129,891.905

szMapPath = map
nAreaWidth = 512
nAreaHeight = 512
nNumAreas = 1
nNumCols = 1
nNumRows = 1
vGridSize = 2.0f
vHeightMin = 0.0f
vHeightMax = 800.0f

type = tcp
listen_addr = ARENA02:10942
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
tcp_nodelay = 1
listen_backlog = 10

type = unix
listen_addr = /tmp/gssock_arena02
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
listen_backlog = 10

index = 23
tag = 203
cid = 14,2,13
limit = nothrow;clear-ap;use-save-point;allow-root;
base_path = b03/
#grid = {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
grid = {800,800,25,-10000.0,-10000.0}
base_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
player_capacity = 400
npc_count = 1000
matter_count = 1000
save_point = 1,-611.847,218.987,-1162.208

szMapPath = map
nAreaWidth = 512
nAreaHeight = 512
nNumAreas = 1
nNumCols = 1
nNumRows = 1
vGridSize = 2.0f
vHeightMin = 0.0f
vHeightMax = 800.0f

type = tcp
listen_addr = ARENA03:10943
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
tcp_nodelay = 1
listen_backlog = 10

type = unix
listen_addr = /tmp/gssock_arena03
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
listen_backlog = 10

index = 24
tag = 204
cid = 14,2,13
limit = nothrow;clear-ap;allow-root;lowjump;nomount;nofly;use-save-point;
base_path = b04/
#grid = {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
grid = {800,800,25,-10000.0,-10000.0}
base_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
player_capacity = 400
npc_count = 1000
matter_count = 1000

szMapPath = map
nAreaWidth = 512
nAreaHeight = 512
nNumAreas = 1
nNumCols = 1
nNumRows = 1
vGridSize = 2.0f
vHeightMin = 0.0f
vHeightMax = 800.0f

type = tcp
listen_addr = ARENA04:10944
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
tcp_nodelay = 1
listen_backlog = 10

type = unix
listen_addr = /tmp/gssock_arena04
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
listen_backlog = 10

index = 31
tag = 101
base_path = a01/
limit = nofly;allow-root;nomount;use-save-point;height-limit;lowjump;
;cid = 0,2,13
cid = 14,2,13
height_limit = 90.0
grid = {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
#grid = {100,40,25,-5000.0,5000.0}
#base_region = {-4900.0,5232} , {-3000.0,5632.0}
#local_region = {-4900.0,5232} , {-3000.0,5632.0}
player_capacity = 400
npc_count = 2000
matter_count = 16384
save_point = 1,1837.935,219.618,1204.463

szMapPath = map
nAreaWidth = 512
nAreaHeight = 512
nNumAreas = 1
nNumCols = 1
nNumRows = 1
vGridSize = 2.0f
vHeightMin = 0.0f
vHeightMax = 800.0f

type = tcp
listen_addr = INSTANCE01:10911
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
tcp_nodelay = 1
listen_backlog = 10

type = unix
listen_addr = /tmp/gssock_is01
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
listen_backlog = 10

index = 32
tag = 102
base_path = a02/
limit = allow-root;nomount;anti-cheat;lowjump;commondata;use-save-point;height-limit;
grid = {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
cid = 0,2,13
player_capacity = 500
npc_count = 2000
matter_count = 16384

szMapPath = map
nAreaWidth = 512
nAreaHeight = 512
nNumAreas = 1
nNumCols = 1
nNumRows = 1
vGridSize = 2.0f
vHeightMin = 0.0f
vHeightMax = 800.0f

type = tcp
listen_addr = INSTANCE02:10912
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
tcp_nodelay = 1
listen_backlog = 10

type = unix
listen_addr = /tmp/gssock_is02
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
listen_backlog = 10

index = 35
tag = 105
base_path = a05/
limit = nofly;clear-ap;allow-root;nomount;no-bind;lowjump;
;faction_server = 1
grid = {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
save_point = 105,-176.102,333.283,146.36
#grid = {100,40,25,-5000.0,5000.0}
#base_region = {-4900.0,5232} , {-3000.0,5632.0}
#local_region = {-4900.0,5232} , {-3000.0,5632.0}
;ПВГжКЗё±±ѕµДІОКэЙи¶Ё НжјТКэДїµИ¶јКЗ№«УГµД
player_per_instance = 6
player_capacity = 3000
npc_count = 65536
matter_count = 131072
instance_capacity = 100
pool_threshold_low = 10
pool_threshold_high = 20
cid = 0,2,13

szMapPath = map
nAreaWidth = 512
nAreaHeight = 512
nNumAreas = 1
nNumCols = 1
nNumRows = 1
vGridSize = 2.0f
vHeightMin = 0.0f
vHeightMax = 800.0f

type = tcp
listen_addr = INSTANCE05:10915
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
tcp_nodelay = 1
listen_backlog = 10

type = unix
listen_addr = /tmp/gssock_is05
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
listen_backlog = 10

index = 36
tag = 106
base_path = a06/
limit = nofly;clear-ap;allow-root;nomount;no-bind;lowjump;
grid = {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
save_point = 106,-385.643,334.408,327.777
;ПВГжКЗё±±ѕµДІОКэЙи¶Ё НжјТКэДїµИ¶јКЗ№«УГµД
player_per_instance = 6
player_capacity = 3000
npc_count = 65536
matter_count = 131072
instance_capacity = 100
pool_threshold_low = 10
pool_threshold_high = 20
cid = 0,2,13

szMapPath = map
nAreaWidth = 512
nAreaHeight = 512
nNumAreas = 1
nNumCols = 1
nNumRows = 1
vGridSize = 2.0f
vHeightMin = 0.0f
vHeightMax = 800.0f

type = tcp
listen_addr = INSTANCE06:10916
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
tcp_nodelay = 1
listen_backlog = 10

type = unix
listen_addr = /tmp/gssock_is06
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
listen_backlog = 10

index = 37
tag = 107
base_path = a07/
limit = nofly;clear-ap;allow-root;nomount;no-bind;lowjump;
grid = {80,80,25,-1000.0,-1000.0}
base_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
local_region = {-512.0,-512.0} , {512,512.0}
instance_capacity = 100
save_point = 107,-198.891,333,87.2788
;ПВГжКЗё±±ѕµДІОКэЙи¶Ё НжјТКэДїµИ¶јКЗ№«УГµД
player_per_instance = 6
player_capacity = 3000
npc_count = 65536
matter_count = 131072
pool_threshold_low = 10
pool_threshold_high = 20
cid = 0,2,13

szMapPath = map


  • gs.rar
    4,8 KB · Просмотры: 2
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